Mini-me is a form of ephemeral miniature street art. Miniature figures are placed temporarily in street art settings to illustrate stories about art, justice, sustainability and heritage. These settings are photographed for Instagram or any other media.
Mini-me or Minime is a miniature street artist from Melbourne whose work can be viewed on Instagram ie findminime or experienced on our Melbournewalks street art tours. One inspiration for Minime is the famed British artist Slinkachu. Minime however is unique in that the spectator is the artist, thus reversing the conventional paradigm.
Minime’s are distributed free to human BFGs often students. Mini-me is their friend and avatar on a life-long street art journey. Today up to 3000 Mini-me’s are accompanying their ‘Big-me’ friends to illustrate stories about the worlds they visit.
Sustainability: No glue, paint or markers. Minime’s are re-used hundreds of times without damaging our heritage buildings.
Respect: Respect for the humanity and dignity of every individual no matter how small in social status is the foundation of a free society.
Survivors: Minime’s are tiny survivors in a big scary world. They symbolise the lost and vulnerable people of our world rescued to a safe and adventurous life with their BFG protectors.
Viewer as Artist: Minime reverses the conventional paradigm: the spectator becomes the artist!
In this challenging millennium with so many anxieties couldn’t we all use a little help from a BFG now and then?